Talks, Seminars, Workshops
Invited Lectures, Seminars, Workshops
"When Genres Break Bad: How to See, Name, and Sanction Illicit Communication." Plenary address. Symposium on Illicit Genres. University of Copenhagen. November 4, 2019
"Why a Crash is No 'Accident': How Language and Conventions Shape Us." Chancellors Club Advisory Board. University of Kansas. October 1, 2018
"Genre Traces: How We Define, Recognize, and Hide Genres." University of Copenhagen, 22 May 2018.
"How to Choose the Genres You Use." Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program, University of Rochester, October 10, 2017
"How to Use the Genres You Choose." Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program, University of Rochester, October 10, 2017
"Meanings and Meaningfulness of Genre: A View from Rhetorical Genre Studies.” Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule
für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien (Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies), “The Rhetoric of Literary Studies.” Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany, July 27, 2017.
“Conformity and Resistance: Some Challenges from Current Genre Theory” Bemærkelsesværdig sagprosa: Danmark som tekstkultur, University of Copenhagen, April, 21, 2017.
"What Genre-Based Pedagogies Reveal about Disciplinarily" Genre Studies in the Humanities doctoral seminar, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. October 8, 2015
"Who Gets to Say? What Defines Genre in Rhetorical Genre Studies" Genre Studies in the Humanities doctoral seminar, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. October 5, 2015
“Be(com)ing a Genre-Aware Teacher” Red River Graduate Student Conference, North Dakota State University, March 28, 2015
“Choosing Genres to Teach and Teaching Them Well” University of Michigan, January 23, 2015
“How to Use Genres Effectively in Your Teaching” Brigham Young University, November 20, 2014.
“Developing Genre Awareness for Teachers and Students” Brigham Young University, November 20, 2014.
“Understanding Genres as Culturally Meaningful Actions” Syracuse University, Keynote Address, April 3, 2014.
“Between Theory and Curriculum” Genre 2012, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, June 27, 2012.
“Genre As Rhetorical Construct” Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, September 15, 2011
“Using Genre Analysis to Help You Write” Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, September 15-16, 2011
“Challenges and Opportunities from Literary and Rhetorical Genre Theories” California State University at Northridge, October 27, 2009
“Some Ideas for Teaching New Genres from Old Genres” 5th International Symposium on Genre Studies, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, August 2009.
“Integrating Rhetorical and Literary Theories of Genre” Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil, August 2009.
“Current Issues and Challenges in Genre Studies” (with Carolyn R. Miller) Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil, August 2009.
“Teaching New Genres through Genre Awareness” Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil, August 2009.
“Studying Writing” Perspectives on English Language Studies Symposium. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan, December 2008.
“Between Stability and Flexibility: How Genres Change” Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, January 2008.
“Why Teaching Genre’s Not What You Think” University of North Carolina-Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina, October 2007.
“Teaching Critical Genre Awareness, Fostering Critical Genre Action” 4th International Symposium on Genre Studies, Tubarao, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2007.
Some Conference Talks
"Decluttering Your Academic Life." Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Montana State University 2019
"En[Acting] Translingualism: Dramatizing Dialogues and Debates" Conference on College Composition and Communication 2018.
"Addressing the Challenge of Making Language Visible to Writing Instructors" Conference on College Composition and Communication 2017.
"Breaking Academic Habits for Public Motives." Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Communication, University of Louisville, 2016
“Risk and Reward within Writing Program Ecologies: Undergraduate Writing Programs.” Conference on College Composition and Communication 2015.
“Remembering Our Stories: Translating Academic Theory into Particular Stories.” Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Communication. University of Louisville. October 2014.
“Taking Genre Outside.” Conference on College Composition and Communication 2014.
“Competence and Performance: What Writers Know and What Writers Do.” Writing Research Across Borders III, Universite Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Defense, Paris, France, February 21, 2014.
“Genres in Action.” Conference on College Composition and Communication 2013.
“Genre Baggage.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2012. Featured Session.
“Creating within Genres: How Genre Metaphors Shape Student Innovation.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2011.
“Is There a Text In This Genre?” Writing Research Across Borders, George Mason University, 2011.
“Taking the Stage: Performance and the Writing Classroom.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2009.
Genre Research Symposium, Workshop Co-Organizer and Leader, Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2009.
“Genres For Social Action.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2008.
“What’s Form Got to Do with It?” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2007.
“First-year Composition and Antecedent Genres.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2006.
“Genres That Matter: Mixing the Public, Personal, and Technical.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2004.
“Clashrooms: Student Expectations/Teacher Expertise.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2002.
“Decomposing Communities: Civic Genres that Exclude Citizens.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2001.
“Does Teaching Genre Teach Language?” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2000.
“A Critical History of the Genre Idea.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1998.
“Will Worlds Collide or Collude? The Impact of Genre on Literature and Literature on Genre.” 2nd International Symposium on Genre, Vancouver, Canada, 1998.
“WPA as Team Player.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1997.
“From Text Linguistics to Genre Theory: Changes in the Relationship of Linguistics and Composition.” Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition, 1996.
“Variation and Standardization within Genre.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1995.
“Mediating Conflicting Desires: Storytelling in the Classroom from a WPA's Perspective.” Conference on College Composition and communication, 1995.
“Multiple Perspectives on the Explicit Teaching of Genre.” Chair and speaker. Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1995.
“Reconceiving Genre in Composition.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1992.
“Graduate Students' Professional Development.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1991.
“Consulting Across the Curriculum.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1988.
“Consulting Across the Curriculum: Helping Faculty Use Writing in Business Courses.” International Association of Business Communication (international), 1987.
“Writing to Learn and Writing to Communicate: Using Genres in Writing Across the Curriculum.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1987.
“Genre As Textual Variable.” Modern Language Association (American Dialect Society), 1986.
“Hiring: An Applicant's Perspective.” National Council of Teachers of English (invited session sponsored by College English Association), 1985.
“The Influence of Genre on Using Standard English.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1983.