Genre-colored glasses |
Thoughts on genre, language, grammar, and other
rhetorical and linguistic norms |
Genre-colored glasses |
Thoughts on genre, language, grammar, and other
rhetorical and linguistic norms |
And 5 Things NOT to DoI am feeling heartsick and enormously sorrowful after yet another, and another, mass shooting in the US. We all are. Like others, I want to DO something about it. Not just analyze it, talk about it, feel bad about it. Another one is coming. More mass shootings are coming. I want to DO something that will make them come less often, allow fewer of them to happen. But what can I do that will actually make any difference? Because I’m also, like others, feeling hopeless and powerless. I'm writing another post after another mass shooting. I even had a category of blog posts to add this one to--"mass shootings" That's just wrong. Nothing is changing Many of us have been doing many things that don’t work, that reinforce our sense of powerlessness. Here are 5 things NOT to do:
That can’t stand. We have to take action. Meaningful, purposeful action. Here are 5 things TO DO that have a better chance of making a difference:
And vote for all who support stricter gun control legislation and vote against any who resist gun control and instead blame immigrants or mental health systems or even hateful tweeters instead of proposing and supporting specific gun control laws Yes, other issues matter in every election, and yes, other systemic issues contribute to mass shootings, but we have to act together in overwhelming numbers and soon to get military weapons and ammunition out of the hands of shooters before any other actions stand a chance of being effective. We have to do what we can NOW to limit the number and damage of mass shootings. You don’t have to agree with me about which policies to support, but I know you too feel the devastation. Find solutions you believe in, whatever evidence shows might work. You can search for federal proposals that have been introduced and for proposals in all 50 states as well as Congress. Push for those solutions to the people who can make them happen. Vote for those people who commit to making them happen. Send laws in addition to thoughts and prayers. And send a message. VOTE