Genre-colored glasses |
Thoughts on genre, language, grammar, and other
rhetorical and linguistic norms |
Genre-colored glasses |
Thoughts on genre, language, grammar, and other
rhetorical and linguistic norms |
Ah, the many genres that help make Christmas what it is.
‘Tis the season for holidays and all the genres that go along with them—like Christmas cards and Hannukah blessings—and the associated language—like writing “’Tis” and singing “fa la la.” I’m a sucker for all things Christmas, from Christmas music to Christmas movies, but I can admit the season has its down sides, too. In honor of the season, I’ve written my own version of the Christmas carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas”--“The Twelve Genres of Christmas,” with many liberties taken. If you can make it to the end of this repetitive song, you’ll find my second, even more Scrooge-like variation on the lyrics. I almost included my own badly sung audio version, in the spirit of the season—a time for doing things for others and making a fool of yourself in public. But after listening to a test run I decided to delete it as my gift to you. If any of you would like to send me your own recording of my lyrics, I'll happily add it to this post. For more professional—and funnier—versions of this traditional Christmas carol, check out the links in a column in The Atlantic from last year, including a Muppets version and a classic drunk version by Fay McKay. Or watch one of my favorite parodies (love the genre) by the old Canadian characters Bob and Doug, animated version:
Note that many versions of the lyrics have the gifts “sent,” but I grew up singing “gave,” so “gave” it is.
Without further ado, I give you The Twelve Genres of Christmas as interpreted by Amy Devitt In the first genre of Christmas, The season gave to me A shopping list eleven pages long In the second genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long In the third genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Three Santa letters Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long In the fourth genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Four light displays Three Santa letters Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long In the fifth genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Five to-do lists! Four light displays Three Santa letters Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long In the sixth genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Sixteen checkout lines Five to-do lists! Four light displays Three Santa letters Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long In the seventh genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Seventy online orders Sixteen checkout lines Five to-do lists! Four light displays Three Santa letters Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long In the eighth genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Eighty cards unwritten Seventy online orders Sixteen checkout lines Five to-do lists! Four light displays Three Santa letters Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long In the ninth genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Ninety Hallmark movies Eighty cards unwritten Seventy online orders Sixteen checkout lines Five to-do lists! Four light displays Three Santa letters Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long In the tenth genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Ten holiday parties Ninety Hallmark movies Eighty cards unwritten Seventy online orders Sixteen checkout lines Five to-do lists! Four light displays Three Santa letters Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long In the eleventh genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Eleven drunken toastings Ten holiday parties Ninety Hallmark movies Eighty cards unwritten Seventy online orders Sixteen checkout lines Five to-do lists! Four light displays Three Santa letters Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long In the twelfth genre of Christmas, The season gave to me Twelve Christmas carols Eleven drunken toastings Ten holiday parties Ninety Hallmark movies Eighty cards unwritten Seventy online orders Sixteen checkout lines Five to-do lists! Four light displays Three Santa letters Two flight reservations And a shopping list eleven pages long
And now for one last, most cynical, revised version of the last verse, to be sung after the holidays are over:
In the twelve genres of Christmas, the season gave to me Twelve forgotten lyrics Eleven awkward conversations Ten family fights Nine sappy endings Eight bragging letters Seven missing packages Six busted budgets Five billion to-do lists! $400 electric bills Three bad mall Santas Two cancelled flights And a credit card bill eleven pages long Happy holidays, everyone!